Policy Press


28 Jun 2019

Bristol University Press announces 2018 Impact Factor gains

Bristol University Press, and its imprint Policy Press, are delighted to announce impressive gains in this year’s Journal Citation Reports:

Policy & Politics

Published in association with the School for Policy Studies at Bristol University Policy & Politics has achieved an impressive result in this year’s Journal Citation Reports with its highest ever Impact Factor of 2.028.

This is an increase of 62% on the 2017 Impact Factor and places the Journal firmly in the second quartile of international journals in both the public administration and political science categories of the Journal Citation Reports.

Free access to Policy & Politics’ most highly cited articles contributing to the 2018 Impact Factor is available here until 31 July 2019.

Evidence & Policy

Similarly, Evidence & Policy has also achieved its highest ever Impact Factor of 2.000, which is a 78% increase on its 2017 Impact Factor. The journal is therefore firmly placed within the top quartile of international journals in the Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary category.

A free collection of Evidence & Policy’s most highly cited articles is available here until 31 July 2019.

Longitudinal and Life Course Studies

We are also thrilled to announce that Longitudinal and Life Course Studies has achieved its first ever Impact Factor of 0.911. This journal is published in association with the Society for Longitudinal and Life Course Studies and joined Bristol University Press in 2019.

Families, Relationships & Societies

Families, Relationships and Societies received its fourth Impact Factor of 0.581 this year and increased its 5-year Impact Factor to 0.906.

Bristol University Press and its imprint Policy Press now publish 14 journals and the list is continuing to expand rapidly, for full details of each journal including four new to us in 2019 see: bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/journals

For further information about the Bristol University Press and Policy Press Journals and collections, including how to subscribe or how to set up a free trial, please visit bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/journals/subscribe

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