Policy Press
Stack of journals

Publish your journal with us

Building on the award-winning Policy Press, Bristol University Press is developing its journals list to expand into a broader range of social science disciplines, including Business and Management, Economics, Law, Sociology, and Politics and International Relations.

As a not-for-profit publisher we share many of the same values as the organisations and individuals we work with, and we pride ourselves on our collaborative ethos and commitment to quality. Although we are not a large commercial publisher we punch well above our weight when it comes to maximising readership and enhancing discoverability of our journals worldwide. We can offer a range of different models including fully open access and hybrid, and we are well placed to advise societies and associations on the different options available to them.

Julia Mortimer

Meet the Journals Director

Julia Mortimer

We have many years' experience of publishing journals at Policy Press and our commitment to quality, personal attention and collaborative working is well-known. The development of Bristol University Press brings an exciting and unique opportunity to grow a coherent and influential list of journals across the full range of social science subject areas

If you are interested in discussing a journal proposal for Bristol University Press or Policy Press, please contact me at [email protected]

Here's what some people involved in our journals have said:

"By having the courage to give a platform to critical voices, Policy Press is playing a crucial role in reframing the debate around austerity and inequality. It is a joy to work with a publishing team with such vision and commitment."

Iain Ferguson, Co-Editor, Critical and Radical Social Work

"Our experience has been that Policy Press promote a sense of partnership with their journal editors.  Problems are shared and worked out together. Policy Press aren’t just good at dealing with challenges, they are also great at celebrating successes when they come along!"

Annette Boaz, former Editor, Evidence & Policy in the journal’s 10th year

"Policy & Politics enjoys a collegiate and productive relationship with our publishers, the Policy Press. They have been extremely supportive of our desire to raise the visibility, profile and performance of the Journal over the past few years.  This has required a huge amount of effort and investment and it is great to see that hard work is reflected in the Journal’s upwards trajectory."

Sarah Ayres, Co-Editor, Policy & Politics

"It is always a pleasure and a privilege to work with everyone at Policy Press. Their approach to publishing is without exception, very professional, careful and supportive at all stages of the publishing process."

Tracy Shildrick, former Editor, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice

"I have nowhere encountered a similar commitment and enthusiasm on the part of a publishing team, something that advisers, reviewers and the authors themselves have commented upon. The goodwill and commitment generated by a small team who have a deep understanding of the content, as well as of the mechanics, of a journal is a major asset, and generates respect for publisher and, in this case, for the host University."

Ken Young, Co-Founder of Policy & Politics and founder and former Editor, Evidence & Policy