Policy Press


13 Sep 2021

Coming in 2022: Global Political Economy

This much-anticipated journal for the discipline of global political economy will launch with Bristol University Press in spring 2022.

Aims and Scope

Global Political Economy has an explicit intention of cross-disciplinarity, spanning international relations, sociology, feminism and gender studies, political science, business studies, science and technology studies, communications, economics, geography, and more, encouraging debates and discussions across these arenas.  

The journal will offer a critical platform for research that interrogates prevailing institutions, norms and patterns of authority and explanatory categories. Authors will engage with and drive debates around emancipatory discourses and praxis. Its timing is exceptional. After over a decade of discussions between colleagues across the globe, the exigencies of the contemporary moment of a global pandemic and impending recession make this the opportune moment to begin this new journal.

Global Political Economy will publish work that discusses issues which concern people whether inside the academy or outside of it, looking at the global political economy and its systemic contradictions, constant crises and upheaval. With the following list of topics, and beyond, as objects of inquiry to be critiqued and debated, Global Political Economy aims to gain fresh insights into complex and often unseen modes, forms and operations of global power relations, social forces and historical change.

We are committed to encouraging submissions from early career researchers and scholars based in non-Western institutions (where we will consider translations in some instances). We are committed to diversity and representation of authors with regards to sex, race and class, and we hold the same mandate within our referencing policy and reviewer selection.

Global Political Economy's editors will lead on calls for contributions in specific areas within the emerging, reinvigorated, or gaps in global political economy research, such as in feminism, technology studies and public health studies. We also welcome Special Issue suggestions.

Find a list of topics covered in the journal here.

Editorial Team

The journal is lead by the Editors in Chief: Phoebe V Moore and Mònica Clua-Losada.

They are joined by Associate Editors: David Bailey (University of Birmingham, UK), Bernd Bonfert (Cardiff University, UK), Gareth Bryant (University of Sydney, Australia), Inga Rademacher (King's College London, UK), Roberto Roccu (King's College London, UK), Chandrima Roy (University of Leicester, UK), Saori Shibata (Leiden University, Netherlands) and Yuliya Yurchenko (University of Greenwich, UK). The international editorial advisory board will be announced soon.

Call for papers

Be among the first to publish in Global Political Economy. Our Editors are currently accepting submissions. Read our call for papers and instructions for authors to learn more.

Keep in touch

Join the Global Political Economy mailing list and follow @GPEJournal on Twitter for the latest news from the journal.