Policy Press
Bringing together ten leading researchers in the field of deliberative democracy, this important book examines the features of a Deliberative Mini-Public (DMP) and considers the contributions that DMPs can make not only to the policy process, but also to the broader agenda of revitalising democracy in contemporary times.

Bringing together ten leading researchers in the field of deliberative democracy, this important book examines the features of a Deliberative Mini-Public (DMP) and considers how DMPs link into democratic systems.

It examines the core design features of DMPs and their role in the broader policy process and takes stock of the characteristics that distinguish them from other forms of citizen participation. In doing so, the book offers valuable insights into the contributions that DMPs can make not only to the policy process, but also to the broader agenda of revitalising democracy in contemporary times.

“You will have difficulty finding a better source for accessible, concise, and pragmatic guidance on design of deliberative mini-publics, informed by the authors’ extensive practical experience as well as their demonstrable research excellence.” Matt Ryan, University of Southampton

“This timely volume, authored by many of the leading lights in the field, tells you everything you need to know about deliberative mini-publics from key design features to their role in democratic systems. A must read for anyone interested in deliberative democracy.” Stephen Elstub, Newcastle University

“This book is concise and accessible but covers enough ground to offer a thorough overview of deliberative mini-publics. It is an excellent contribution to the field, and I would highly recommend it to scholars, practitioners, and policymakers alike.” Edana Beauvais, Simon Fraser University

Nicole Curato is Associate Professor at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance, University of Canberra, Australia.

David M. Farrell is Chair of Politics and Head of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin, Ireland.

Brigitte Geissel is Professor of Political Science and Political Sociology, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany.

Kimmo Grönlund is Professor of Political Science and Director of the Social Science Research Institute, Åbo Akademi University, Finland.

Patricia Mockler is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Studies at Queen's University, Canada.

Jean-Benoit Pilet is Professor of Political Science, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.

Alan Renwick is Deputy Director of the Constitution Unit and Associate Professor of British Politics, University College London, UK.

Jonathan Rose is Associate Professor in the Department of Political Studies, Queen's University, Canada.

Maija Setälä is Professor in Political Science at the University of Turku, Finland.

Jane Suiter is Director of the Institute for Future Media and Journalism and Professor in the School of Communications, Dublin City University, Ireland.

1. Introduction

2. The Diversity of Mini-Publics: A Systematic Overview

3. Recruitment

4. The Deliberative Experience

5. Evidence in Deliberative Mini-Publics

6. Outputs

7. Legitimacy of Deliberative Mini-Publics

8. Deliberative Mini-Publics in Democratic Systems

9. Conclusion