Policy Press

Indigenous Peoples and UN Sustainability Goals in South America

The Case for Change

By Darren R. Reid, Neil Renwick, Leonel Piovezana and Claudia Battestin

Darren Reid is Course Director of History at Coventry University.

Neil Renwick is Centre of Peace, Trust and Social Relations at Coventry University.

Leonel Piovezana is Dean of Research, Extension, Innovation and Graduate Studies at the University of Chapecó.

Claudia Battestin is Professor at the University of Chapecó.

1. Introduction: Analytical Perspectives

2. Oil and Water: The Kukama of the Peruvian Amazon

3. Land and Respect: The Kaingáng of Sub-Amazonian Brazil

4. Space and Spirit: The Guaraní of Argentina and Southern Brazil

5. Conclusion: Towards Indigenous Sustainable Development Goals (ISDGs) and a Post-2030 Agenda