Policy Press

Public Sociology As Educational Practice

Challenges, Dialogues and Counter-Publics

Edited by Eurig Scandrett

Leading academics reflect on concepts and aspects of public sociology education in this perceptive collection of case studies, linked by critical dialogue between contributors. They consider publics, practices and special knowledges in the field, and go beyond academia’s boundaries to explore the purposes and targets of sociological knowledge.

In the media

'Education is dying: Long Live Education!' in Discover Society

Leading academics take a distinctive new approach to the understanding of public sociology education in this perceptive new resource. Through pedagogical case studies and inter-contributor dialogues, they develop and challenge thinking in the field.

Divided into three sections on the publics, knowledges and practices of public sociology education, it looks beyond the boundaries of academia to deliver fresh responses to key disciplinary questions including the purposes and targets of sociological knowledge.

For students, academics and practitioners, it is a timely and thought-provoking contribution to debate about public sociology education.

"This book vividly embodies public sociology as radical education – in dialogue with multiple subaltern publics, engaging with contested knowledges and working in creative ways. Read it and learn!" Laurence Cox, National University of Ireland Maynooth

"Eurig Scandrett and colleagues bring critically important insights from public sociology and transformative education to our understanding of knowledge democracy." Budd Hall, University of Victoria

"An innovative and extremely engaging collection of critical dialogues, this is a must-read for sociologists, educationalists and community and social movement activists alike." Marjorie Mayo, Goldsmiths, University of London

“A provocative dialogical appreciation for public sociology as praxis for contemporary labour politics. Politically stimulating and accessible, this book is a valuable contribution to critical sociology and popular education.” Dip Kapoor, University of Alberta

Eurig Scandrett is Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader in Public Sociology at Queen Margaret University, and an activist in University and College Union Scotland.

Introduction ~ Eurig Scandrett

Section 1 ~ Publics

Provocation I: Class, Gender and Identity: Axes of Structure and Difference in Subaltern Counter-Publics ~ Eurig Scandrett

Mad peoples’ history and identity: education in the construction of mad studies ~ Elaine Ballantyne, Kirsten Maclean, Shirley-anne Collie, Liz Deeming and Esther Fraser

‘Seeing things differently’: gender justice and counter-hegemony in higher education ~

Lesley Orr and Nel Whiting

Domestic abuse survivors: public sociology and the risks of speaking out ~ Julie Young

A Public Sociology for Post-industrial Fife ~ Paul Gilfillan

Public Sociology and the invisibility of class ~ Eurig Scandrett

Dialogue I ~ Eurig Scandrett and Paul Gilfillan

Section 2 ~ Knowledge

Provocation II: ‘Really Useful’ public sociology knowledge ~ Eurig Scandrett

Crossing the Quadrant: Policy Research and Public Sociology ~ Jan Law

Convergences between public sociology, feminist theory and the praxis for refugee and asylum-seeking integration in Scotland ~ Laura Lovin

Young people, alcohol, dialogical methods ~ Emma Wood

Knowledge generated through participatory research with children ~ Maria Giatsi Clausen

English Last: Displaced Publics and Communicating Multilingually as Social Act and Art ~ Alison Phipps, Tawona Sitholé, Naa Densua Tordzro and Gameli Tordzro

The Construction, Role And Influence Of ‘Public Knowledge’ Within Community Planning Partnerships ~ Marion Ellison

Dialogue II ~ Eurig Scandrett, Marion Ellison and Laura Lovin

Section 3 ~ Practices

Provocation III: Public Sociology Practices, Privatising Universities ~ Eurig Scandrett

Precarity as an existential phenomenon within a post-industrial labour market ~ Phil Mignot and Ricky Gee

Student – Public – Sociologist: On dialogue with our first public, and in widening access to higher education ~ Karl Johnson

Experts by experience: Art, identity and the sociological imagination ~ John Docherty-Hughes, Elaine Addington, David Bradley, Linda Brookhouse. Jenny Bunting, Lorna Cosh, John Dane, Robert Lindsay and Christine Raffaelli

Community engagement: cultivating critical awareness ~ Jim Crowther and Mae Shaw

Reflections on five years of critical service learning: is it critical or are we social justice dreamers? ~ Sharon Hutchings and Andrea Lyons Lewis

Trade unionism as collective education ~ Lena Wånggren

Dialogue III ~ Eurig Scandrett, Jim Crowther, Sharon Hutchings, Karl Johnson, Mae Shaw, Lena Wånggren

Conclusion ~ Eurig Scandrett