Policy Press

Reflections on Post-Marxism

Laclau and Mouffe's Project of Radical Democracy in the 21st Century

Edited by Stuart Sim

First published as a special issue of Global Discourse, this book explores the theoretical position of post-Marxism and investigates its significance in recent global political developments such as Brexit, Trump and the rise of the far right.

The world has changed dramatically since the emergence of post-Marxism, and a reassessment is needed to determine its significance in the modern world.

First published as a special issue of Global Discourse, this book explores the theoretical position of post-Marxism and investigates its significance in recent global political developments such as Brexit, Trump and the rise of the far right. With valuable insights from international contributors across a range of disciplines, the book puts forward a strong case for the continuing relevance of post-Marxism and, particularly, for Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s theory of radical democracy.

“Timely and engaging, this is the book on radical democracy that the present multiplication of turning points urgently needs. With extraordinarily stimulating essays and rejoinders, critical responses and forceful replies, this is intellectual dialogue in a pluralist environment at its very best.” Geoff Boucher, Deakin University

“In this new era of political polarisations, tensions, and instabilities, this book carries out the timely task of reflecting on the relevance of post-Marxism in the current climate.” Ashley Woodward, University of Dundee

Stuart Sim is retired Professor of Critical Theory at Northumbria University. He is widely published in the fields of critical theory and continental philosophy.

1. New Introduction – Stuart Sim

2. Democracy beyond hegemony – Mark Purcell

3. Reply: Democracy without hegemony: a reply to Mark Purcell – Ronaldo Munck

4. The post-Marxist Gramsci – James Martin

5. Reply: The post-Marxist Gramsci: a reply to James Martin – Georges Van Den Abbeele

6. The limits of post-Marxism: the (dis)function of political theory in film and cultural studies – Paul Bowman

7. Reply: The limits of post-Marxism: the (dis)function of political theory in film and cultural studies: a reply to Paul Bowman – Andrew Rowcroft

8. Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe: the evolution of post-Marxism – Philip Goldstein

9. Reply: Laclau and Mouffe’s blind spots: a reply to Goldstein – Philippe Fournier

10. Enriching discourse theory: the discursive-material knot as a non-hierarchical ontology – Nico Carpentier

11. Reply: Enriching discourse theory: the discursive-material knot as a non- hierarchical ontology: a reply to Nico Carpentier – Mads Ejsing & Lars Tønder

12. From domination to emancipation and freedom: reading Ernesto Laclau’s post- Marxism in conjunction with Philip Pettit’s neo-republicanism – Gulshan Khan

13. Reply: From domination to emancipation and freedom: reading Ernesto Laclau’s post-Marxism in conjunction with Philip Pettit’s neo-republicanism: a reply to Gulshan Khan – Andreas Ottemo

14. Spectres of post-Marxism? Reassessing key post-Marxist texts – Stuart Sim

15. Reply: Spectres of post-Marxism? Reassessing key post-Marxist texts: a reply to Stuart Sim – Richard Howson

16. Forget populism! – Frank A. Stengel