Policy Press


7 Mar 2022

Thank you to professor Emerita Joan Tronto

Professor Emerita Joan Tronto
Consulting Editor (North America), International Journal of Care and Caring 

Since its earliest days, from before publication first commenced in 2017, the International Journal of Care and Caring has been privileged to have the advice, support and encouragement of Joan Tronto. Joan's books, articles and other contributions to thinking about care are recognised throughout the world, and she has inspired, advised and supported the journal in multiple ways - making a truly special contribution as the journal's Consulting Editor (North America), writing a fine and important article for IJCC's first Issue in Volume 1, and since 2020, proposing and working incredibly hard, with Co-Editor Professor Michael Fine, to develop and edit IJCC's Double Special Issue on Care, caring and the global COVID-19 pandemic, published in February 2022. 

Joan has decided to stand down from her editorial role at IJCC, having recently retired from her full-time position at the University of Minnesota. She will be greatly missed as a wise and resourceful member of our Management Board, and we thank her for her commitment, enthusiasm and guidance over the past seven years. Many authors whose work we publish value and engage with Joan's enormous intellectual contribution to the study of care and caring, and draw on her exceptional portfolio of work to develop their own research and writing. As editors, we also honour and acknowledge Joan's huge influence on thinking about care, and are truly proud of her association with the journal.

Thank you, Joan! And thank you also for agreeing now to join our Editorial Advisory Board of distinguished academics and thinkers, IJCC's ambassadors and advocates around the world, who advise us on its future direction.      

Sue Yeandle, Editor-in-Chief 
Yueh-Ching Chou, Co-Editor
Michael Fine, Co-Editor
Karina Batthyany, Associate Editor
Matthew Bennett, Associate Editor
Liz Lloyd, Associate Editor
Kate O'Loughlin, Associate Editor 
Outi Jolanki, Ajda Svetelsek, Debates & Issues Editors
Myra Hamilton, Matthew Lariviere, Reviews Editors
Tom Hickman, Editorial Assistant