Policy Press


1 Jun 2016

#volunteersweek SALE on voluntary sector books

ITs #volunteersweek and we're offering a SPECIAL DISCOUNT on a selection of volunteering and voluntary sector books

Just enter promotional code PPVOLWEEK1 at the checkout to order the following books at a specially discounted prices (plus p&p):

Enterprising care?: Unpaid voluntary action in the 21st century by Hardill and Baines
ONLY £25.00 (RRP £75.00)

"Feeding directly into the current ideological discussions on Big Society, 'Enterprising care?' is essential reading for all interested in the future of the voluntary sector." Colin C Williams, Professor of Public Policy, University of Sheffield

Voluntary sector in transition: Hard times or new opportunities? by Linda Milbourne
ONLY £25.00 (RRP £75.00)

"An interesting overview of changes faced by voluntary sector employees in the nature of their work." Work, Employment and Society

Active ageing: Voluntary work by older people in Europe by Principi, Jensen and Lamura
ONLY £25.00  (RRP £75.00)

This important book brings a vital new perspective to the global policy priority of active ageing and is highly recommended” Prof Alan Walker, University of Sheffield 

Resilience in the post-welfare inner city: Voluntary sector geographies in London, Los Angeles and Sydney by DeVerteuil
ONLY £20.00 (RRP £70.00)

"The siege on the welfare state has destroyed most collective consumption institutions, yet voluntary organisations survive in the global city. DeVerteuil’s excellent analysis shows us how – and why it matters." Elvin Wyly, The University of British Columbia, Canada

Challenging the third sector by Kenny, Taylor, Onyx and Mayo

ONLY £20.00 (RRP £70.00)

"This valuable new collection, drawing on much empirical evidence, shows how  the third sector can be nurtured by active citizenship." Nicholas Deakin, Emeritus Professor of Social Policy, Birmingham University

And, to pre-order The third sector delivering public services at ONLY £15.00 use promo code PPVOLWEEK2 at the checkout.

You might also be interested to know that all current and back issues of our journal Voluntary Sector Review are available for you to access and read for FREE for the 12 days of #volunteersweek - click here to get reading now!