Policy Press


11 Jan 2022

We are proud to be a part of the EvenUP initiative

EvenUP is a new initiative by the University Presses of UK and Ireland, inspired by the work of Association of University Presses (AUP), that works towards a more collaborative approach to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

Although it is recognised that each institution has their own EDI initiatives, it is hoped that by collaborating we can strengthen them and worked towards the following goals:

  1. Share best practice for EDI across presses.
  2. Commit to using either the AUPresses survey tool to collect demographic data, or our own surveys of comparable quality, in order to assess and understand areas in which we can improve, benchmarking across presses where appropriate.
  3. Create and share an ongoing programme of training and events, such as guest speakers, webinars, online symposia.
  4. Promote and demonstrate transparency and equal opportunity in recruitment and career progression processes in university presses, including:
    • paid internships,
    • listing salaries/salary bands on all entry level roles and on all recruitment advertising, subject to commercial or confidentiality requirements,
    • inter-press career mentorship for colleagues from under-represented groups.
  5. Work together to raise awareness of career opportunities in our presses with groups that are currently underrepresented in scholarly publishing.
  6. Have a designated lead for equality, diversity and inclusivity in our organisations and have those leads meet regularly.

Our Chief Executive, Alison Shaw says: “Working together university presses can make a tangible difference to equality, diversity and inclusion through our publishing, policies and processes. This shared commitment is a springboard to positive social change.”

The University Presses involved in this initiative are: Bristol, Cambridge, Cork, Edinburgh, Goldsmiths, Harvard (UK office), Liverpool, University of London, Manchester, MIT (UK office), Oxford, Princeton (European office), University College Dublin, University College London, Wales and Yale University Press London

Find out more about EvenUP here and more about EDI at Bristol University Press here.