Policy Press

Temporality in Mobile Lives

Contemporary Asia–Australia Migration and Everyday Time

By Shanthi Robertson

This innovative study of young Asian migrants’ lives in Australia sheds new light on the complex relationship between migration and time. With in-depth interviews and a new conceptual framework, Robertson reveals how migration influences the trajectories of migrants’ lives, from career pathways to intimate relationships.

In the media

'Chronomobilities' in The Philosopher's Zone with David Rutledge

Shanthi Robertson provides fresh perspectives on 21st-century migratory experiences in this innovative study of young Asian migrants’ lives in Australia.

Exploring the aspirations and realities of transnational mobility, the book shows how migration has reshaped lived experiences of time for middle-class young people moving between Asia and the West for work, study and lifestyle opportunities. Through a new conceptual framework of ‘chronomobilities,’ which looks at 'time-regimes' and 'time-logics', Robertson demonstrates how migratory pathways have become far more complex than leaving one country for another, and can profoundly affect the temporalities of everyday life, from career pathways to intimate relationships.

Drawing on extensive ethnographic material, Robertson deepens our understanding of the multifaceted relationship between migration and time.

"By attending to the intersections between the temporalities of intimate relationships and the mobile lives of transnational migrants, Robertson provides us a truly original framework to understand the times of migration." Brenda Yeoh, National University of Singapore

Shanthi Robertson is Associate Professor in the School of Humanities and Communication Arts and Research Fellow in the Institute for Culture and Society at Western Sydney University.


Chronomobilities: 21st-Century Migration and Lived Time

Asian Migrants of the Middle in Local and Global Context

Times of Work: Transified Workers and Contingent Careers

Times in Place: Moving, Dwelling, Belonging

Times of the Heart: Reconfiguring Intimacy
