Policy Press

Time, Migration and Forced Immobility

Sub-Saharan African Migrants in Morocco

By Inka Stock

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book is concerned with the effects of migration policy making in Europe on migrants in the Global South and is based on in-depth ethnographic research in Morocco with migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa.
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EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book is concerned with the effects of migration policy-making in Europe on migrants in the Global South and challenges current migration politics to consider alternative ways of looking at the modern migratory phenomenon. Based on in-depth ethnographic research in Morocco with migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa, the author considers current migration dynamics from the perspectives of migrants themselves to examine the long-term social effects of immobility experienced by migrants whom get stuck in ‘transit’ countries. This book is an invaluable learning resource for those wishing to understand the social and political processes that migration policies lead to, particularly in countries in the Global South.

“Stock’s haunting and critical analysis of the negative consequences for migrants of hostile migration politics in Morocco is a must-read for scholars, students, and practitioners wishing to go beyond dominant and simplistic narratives about migration which routinely dehumanize those forcibly (im)mobilized.” Ethnic and Racial Studies Journal

"Stock’s  insightful  book  explores  the  existential  impacts  of  European  migration-control  policies - and  the responses  of  the  Moroccan  government  to  them - on  migrants  “stuck”  or  trapped  in  Morocco. An important contribution to research on migration politics." Refuge

"Stock cleverly outlines how EU’s externalisation policies have a direct impact on the well-being of sub-Saharan African migrants in Morocco." Joris Schapendonk, Journal of Economic and Human Geography

''A vibrant, in-depth and accurate account of the lived experiences of European migration control and its lasting effects on neighbouring countries.'' FNRS/Université Libre de Bruxelles

"International Migration Review  by R. Laremont, "Stock’s research reveals that sub-Saharan migrants in Morocco are making new lives and communities, sometimes remaining quiet and sometimes being activist, all the while reforming what it means to be Moroccan — and human." International Migration Review

''Drawing on ethnographic research conducted over ten years this beautifully written, must-read book enables us to rethink the fundamental tools of the study of migration, migration policy and politics.'' Bridget Anderson, University of Bristol

‘’This important and insightful book unites analysis of EU externalization policies in Africa with ethnographic depth on sub-Saharan migrants’ lives in Morocco, offering fresh perspectives on ‘transit’ migration and involuntary immobility.’’ Nauja Kleist, Danish Institute for International Studies

Inka Stock is a researcher in Migration, Transnationalism and Development in the faculty of Sociology at Bielefeld University.


EU Externalization Policies and their Impact on Migrants in Morocco

Travelling Adventures: Migration as an Existential Quest

Arriving in Morocco: Becoming Trapped in a Context of Uncertainty

Facing Time and the Absurd

Migrant Communities in Morocco

Waiting in Desperate Hope
